What Does Digital Marketing Do? A Guide for Guwahati Businesses

June 21, 2024

What Does Digital Marketing Do? A Guide for Guwahati Businesses
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Marketing is constantly evolving and digital marketing has become a driving force in today’s business landscape. But for businesses unfamiliar with the term, the question remains: What does digital marketing exactly do?


To define it in simple terms, digital marketing refers to marketing efforts that leverage digital media and online channels to reach the intended target audience. Digital marketing by itself is just an umbrella term for all that it encompasses—the wide range of strategies, each with its own unique purposes.


Here are some of the benefits of digital marketing:


Increase Brand Awareness:

A Guwahati-based restaurant can make use of social media marketing to help introduce themselves to the local community and build brand awareness by creating a strong online presence and promoting the business to a wider audience. This can be easily achieved by creating engaging social media posts, running targeted ads or even collaborating with a Guwahati-based influencer who is in the same niche as the business.


Generate Leads & Sales: One of the key aspects of digital marketing or marketing in general is the intention of attracting potential customers, which can be achieved through targeted online advertising on platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads. Using SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is one way to bring yourself on top of local search results, making it easy for Guwahatians searching for your products or services to easily find you. Creating engaging marketing content, such as informative blog posts, videos, and other creatives, is important to educate and inform the audience about your product or service, ultimately converting them into paying customers.


Boost Website Traffic: Digital marketing strategies like SEO and social media marketing, when done right work together to drive more visitors to your website. Not only that, a well-designed website can help boost conversion, as this acts as your online storefront, refining your website to better suit the website visitor is a no-brainer. A website showcasing valuable information about the service or product you provide is important to boost the chances of conversion.


Drive Customer Engagement: Digital marketing, unlike traditional marketing, allows for a two-way conversation directly with your customers, making it easy to get direct feedback on their pains and issues and also the things they like about your particular product or service. Social media is an excellent tool for fostering engagement by running interactive contests and polls, educating, and even hosting live sessions to connect with your Guwahati audience on a deeper level.


Build Brand Loyalty: Providing valuable content and responding to customer pains and concerns swiftly can help build trust and loyalty with your audience. This establishes a positive attachment to your brand’s image and furthers the business with the help of word-of-mouth promotion. Not only that, social media can also help showcase your company culture, share testimonials from customers, and build a strong community around your brand.


Track Results & Measure Success: One of the striking advantages of digital marketing is its ability to measure and track the success of your marketing efforts in real time using analytic tools. Using this data, you can get to the bottom of what is working and what is not, giving you the chance to constantly refine your strategy for optimal results. You can track metrics like website traffic, lead generation, conversion rates, and social media engagement to measure the success of your digital marketing efforts.


Target Specific Audience: Digital marketing has become hyper-personalised helping you target your ideal customers with laser precision. Digital marketing campaigns can be customised to specific demographics, interests, online behaviour and location. This makes sure you only reach the audience who are most likely to be interested in your product or service. 


All in all, digital marketing can be a great partner for your business to grow allowing you to:


Reaching an audience wider than previously wasn’t possible but now can be done through online marketing. Not only in Guwahati but across the Northeast region and even target tourists visiting the city.


Generate more leads, and convert even more of them into paying customers through targeted online advertising, effective SEO, and engaging content.


Build and maintain a strong online presence and brand identity, making your business more discoverable and easier to recognise in Guwahati and outside.


Build relationships with customers by engaging with them and providing excellent customer service and support, inevitably building trust and loyalty.


Gain valuable insights to improve digital marketing efforts keeping track of the campaign’s performance and making data-driven decisions.


Digital Marketing for Small Businesses in Guwahati:


Marketing agencies for small businesses in Guwhati understand the unique challenges faced by smaller businesses and can develop cost-effective marketing solutions. Agencies like Portamento India can help you create targeted strategies that make use of the most effective channels to reach your specific audience, whether it’s social media marketing, website development, search engine optimisation, or email marketing.


Benefits of Digital Marketing for Guwhati Businesses:


For a vibrant city with its growing industries, digital marketing allows you to tap into the potential of reaching a wider audience within the city, the Northeast region of India, as well as target tourists visiting the city by promoting your service and products online. Not only that, digital marketing can help your Guwhati-based business compete with major players and large corporations that might have a national presence.


Getting Started with Digital Marketing in Guwahati:


A digital marketing agency or a nearby online marketing company with a good rapport can help propel your business to new heights by developing comprehensive digital marketing strategies that cater to your specific needs and target audience. Here are some additional things to consider:


Social Media Marketing: Any business in Guwahati needs to have a strong social media presence. Platforms like Instagram and Facebook allow you to connect with your audience, share updates and promote what you are offering. Running social media ads and contests or collaborating with a local influencer can help you reach a wider audience.


Content Marketing: To resonate with your audience in Guwhahti, you have to create high-quality content. These high-quality posts can include blog posts, infographics, videos and posts related to your industry and target audience’s interest. Bringing value to your customers establishes you as the thought leader, attracts organic traffic to your page or website and positions your business as a trusted enterprise.


Search Engine Optimisation: Integrating relevant keywords into your website to optimise it to increase visibility in local search results is essential to get organic traffic. This makes sure that Guwahatians who search for your or a particular service or product can see that you offer the same by being on top of search results.


Digital Ads: Running targeted ad campaigns through Google Ads or Meta Ads can help you reach the intended target audience. The most important feature that sets it apart from traditional marketing channels is you only pay when someone clicks on your ad, making it a cost-effective way to drive traffic.


A successful digital marketing strategy is an ongoing process, and it’s important to constantly monitor your campaign performance, analyse, and adapt the strategies based on what works best. There are plenty of resources available about digital marketing online to help you understand more about the different aspects of digital marketing.


Taking the First Step:

Understanding digital marketing is the first step to taking action and leveraging this powerful tool to thrive in a competitive marketplace. Many agencies offer free consultations to dissect your specific needs and goals on reaching your marketing goals through investing time in crafting well-thought-out digital marketing strategies. Explore digital marketing services offered by Portamento India to help your Guwahati-based business reach new heights, build strong rapport and achieve lasting success.


Bonus: Finding the Right Digital Marketing Partner in Guwahati:

With the number of digital marketing agencies and marketing firms only growing in Guwahati, choosing the right one can seem like a distant dream. Here are some tips to help you find the right partner:


Clearly define your marketing goals: What are you hoping to achieve with digital marketing? Is it brand awareness? More website traffic? Lead generation or more sales? Clear goals will help you choose an agency that specialises in the areas most relevant to your requirements.


Research potential agencies: Look for agencies with experience and a proven track record of success in your industry. Thoroughly research the agency, its testimonials, and case studies to more properly understand how they’ve achieved success for other people’s businesses in a similar realm as yours.


Consider agency size and culture: A smaller agency offers more personalised attention, while a larger agency will have a wider range of offerings and resources. Always choose an agency whose culture aligns with your business values.


Get quotes and proposals: Before deciding on your choice of marketing agency, get quotes and proposals from several agencies to help you compare pricing and services offered.


Ask questions: It’s best to ask too many questions than too less. This will help you better understand the team, their experience and their potential to propel your business.


By following these tips, you can find a reputable digital marketing agency that can help your business thrive in this digital age.

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